Thursday 30 March 2017

special effects

Special Effects

For special effects we didn't use many but with the help of Adobe we was able to fade in and out all of the parts that was needed to, to help the film have a good flow. We also used Adobe to time stretch a scream, we recorded Kiera screaming separate to the film then we linked the audio with the video but we found that the scream wasn't long enough so we had to time stretch the scream to make it longer. We didn't use make-up in the film as we wasn't to sure on how to do the make-up and we was also worried that we wouldn't be able to get it perfectly the same next time, if we was to do it again we would use make-up because it would make it a lot more effective that both girls are dead.

Tuesday 28 March 2017

story and how the opening sets it up

The story line to the film is that its a normal day and two friends (Ellie and Kiera) go for a walk in the woods and find someone lying dead covered with leaves by a pond, this is shown through the use of a high angle shot, this is effective because it shows that the two girls are vulnerable and scared.  This is shown through the angle of the camera that is used, the high angle shot also gives the audience more power over the two girls. As Ellie and Kiera turn around to call the police they see a scary figure in the bushes,this is shown in the use of a medium shot, this is effective because it shows the audience what he looks like.

Once the two girls had saw him they then began to run, this is shown in the use of a medium to long shot. Suddenly Kiera is running alone and Ellie is no where to be seen, we are shown this through the use of a medium to close up shots, this is effective because the angle the camera is it shows the audience where Kiera has run from. As Kiera slows down she hears Ellie scream her name, Kiera then starts to run back to find Ellie, we are shown this through the use of a long shot this is effective because its showing the audience where she is running, as Kiera runs into the light she finds Ellie lying there on the floor dead, she has a carrier bag over the top of her head and a syringe placed on her stomach at an angle, we are shown this through the use of a medium shot that slowly goes into a close up.

We pose a lot of questions to the audience in the opening to make them want to watch the film entirely.They are left asking themselves, why was the girl killed? Why was she placed next to the pond? Why was he watching the two girls? Why did the girl open her eyes? What did he use to kill Ellie? What is going to happen to Kiera as she saw? Why was Ellie and Kiera in the woods?

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Video Evaluation of A Day In The Woods


This is a video of me and Kiera talking about what our opening two minutes is about.

Everyone's Thoughts

This is a video on everyone's opinions on the opening two minutes. In this clip we hear people talking about what could be better and what was good about the opening. 

Evaluation 4

Evaluation Four

This is an evaluation on what 15 year old's like the reason we have gone for this age is because this is the audience age for our opening two minutes a day in the woods.
In the first picture you can see that it is showing everything that 15 year old's like.
In the picture shown below you can see reason that 15 year old's might like our film.

Tuesday 7 March 2017

evaluation activity 3

These are our original production credits.  A production company makes the film and will either fund, part fund or be funded to make the film.  Horror films are often made by production companies such as Lionsgate, who made Drag me to Hell.

Films like ours have smaller budgets and are popular with a younger audience, who are likely to watch films distributed by online companies like Netflix.  Netflix could well buy the rights to a film like ours.  A film like our film could be popular with audiences online who watch films on Netflix because they can watch more films for less than what it costs in the cinema on Netflix, it costs £7.99 per month on Netflix but it costs £10.00 for an adult ticket to go to the cinema. Because of this the younger audience would rather stay home in there own comfort to watch the film for less.

Tuesday 21 February 2017

Setting And Location

Setting And Location
Our setting and location isn't the same as what we was going to use at first, we have changed only the location. Instead of being set in Ashtead it was then set in Tadworth, there isn't much difference between the two locations the only thing that is different is that there is more of a woods where we ended up filming, which was more effective because it has more places for the spooky man to hide and watch over who is next for him to attack.

The Title Of Our Film

The Title Of Our Film
We struggled to find a good title for our film, we came up with random names that doesn't really fit with our film, for example Eye's In The Woods and Followed. We didn't think that either of those was that good or made a connection of some sort with the film  so we waited till we had finished editing the film to choose that the name, once we had finished editing the film we chose the name A Day In The Woods.
In this title you can see that the words A Day In The is all in white this is to make the word Woods stand out more. The red writing over Woods is effective because it shows that maybe that is where the film is going to be set and that maybe something is going to go wrong whilst in the woods.

Evaluation Activity 1

Nine Distinct Frames

This is some screen shots of a word document where i have analysed the scene from the opening two minutes. In each of the pictures i have analysed and said what is going on and what camera shot we used for the scene.

Sunday 12 February 2017

what we used to film

What We Used To Film

To film the opening two minutes of A Day In The Woods we used an IPhone 6 to film and an IPhone 6 torch for extra lighting. Half way through filming the IPhone 6 we was using to film died and so we had to use the IPhone 6 we was using for extra lighting to film. It took a while to get all of the second half of the filming from the IPhone 6 as it was on Annaleigh's phone and the first half was on my IPhone 6.
The IPhone 6 is a phone that is made by Apple. The camera on an IPhone 6 is an 8MP (mega pixel).

Own film treatment

Own film treatment

Throughout the process we didn't upload any half done editing filming due to the fact that we was more focused on finishing editing it and uploading it. It was also due to the fact that we was making very little progress at a time with editing the opining two minutes because we was having to lighten up each scene as on the phone the lighting took well but as soon as we uploaded it to the computer it was very dark. Another reason we didn't upload the opening two minutes after every other lesson was because a couple of the lesson when we opened our work the work had got lost and we couldn't reopen it so we had to start again a couple of times.

certificate Research

Certificate Research


PG stands for Parent Guidance, which means that the child's parent/parents have to attend the film with there child.
Examples of some PG films:
Madagascar 2: Escape Africa
Daddy Day Care
Alice In Wonderland


U stands for Universal, which means that the film is suitable for all ages.
Examples of some U rated films:
High School Musical 3
Alvin And The Chipmunks
Nativity 2: Danger In The Manger
Help I'm A Fish


12A stands for 12 with an adult, which means that the film is appropriate for ages 12 but as long as they have an adult with them.


f the film is marked 12 then the film is suitable for 12 year old without having to have an adult with you.
Examples of some 12 Rated films:
Fast And Furious 6
Fast And Furious 5
Fast And Furious
The Fast And The Furious Tokyo Drift
Pitch Perfect


If the film is marked 15 it means that the film is only suitable for age 15 and up.
Examples of some 15 rated films:
Hansel And Gretel Witch Hunters
2 Fast 2 Furious
The Fast And The Furious
2 Guns


If the film is marked 18 it means that the film has inappropriate language in it for people under the age of 18.
Examples of some 18 rated films:
Django Unchained


R18 stands for Restricted 18, this means that the film must only be shown in specially licenced cinema's, to only be sold in certain shops and sold to adults only.

Audiance Research

Audience Research

The target audience for our film is 15. The reason 15 is going to be the target audience for our film is because it gives them something to talk about, also if someone has seen it in a group of friends and someone else hasn't they are going to want to go and see it so they can be part of the conversation.



Over all:
The location is going to be set in Tadworth.
It is going to be filmed in the woods.
There are going to be 4 people in the opening two minutes.
There is going to be 2 main characters.
Someone is going to get killed in the opening two minutes.
our production names are going to be Old Barn Productions and Green Pyramid Productions.
In the opening two minutes of our film we are going to have both dialog and music.

animatic storyboard

Animatic Storyboard

This is the animatic storyboard of our opening two minutes to our film.

Saturday 11 February 2017

Actors, Camera Workers And Helpers

Actors, Camera Worker And Helpers

In our opening two minutes we have four actors, one camera person and someone that helps with everything.

Emma Payne:

In the opening two minutes Emma is introduced into the film as the young dead girl that is lying on the floor in the middle of the woods.
Our dead girl at the beginning was played by Emma Payne, it was hard to get someone to play a dead girl on the floor as no one wanted to lay on the cold floor. Luckily Emma said that she would do it.

Kiera McLean:

Kiera is introduced into the opening two minutes by walking through the woods with her friend.
Kiera played one of the two friends that walked through the woods and found the dead girl on the floor and themselves into trouble.

Jai Daniel:

Jai is introduced into the opening two minutes as the scary man in the trees watching everything.
Jai played the scary man that hid in the trees and bushes watching the two girls. He is also the one that kills the girl at the beginning of the opening two minutes and also killed the girl at the end of the opening two minutes.

Annaleigh Mann:

Annaleigh was our camera girl. She filmed all of the opening two minutes, she was telling us where to stand and when to go.

Caitlin Mann:

Caitlin (KK) was the helper, she help all of the props and made sure that no one was coming when and where we was shooting the opening two minutes.

Ellie Payne

Ellie is introduced into the opening two minutes as one of the two friends that walks through the woods.
Ellie is caught in a situation as she and her friend finds a dead body that gives them a bit of a fright which ends with them running for there lives but Ellie isn't fast enough and gets caught.



Our scrip is simple, the reason the script was simple was simple is because we had music in the background. We also had screams in it which is effective because the power of the scream sets the scene and the mood.


production- music
production- music
first scene- the start of intense music
second scene- intense music
third scene- intense music
fourth scene- spin chilling scream
title- spin chilling scream
fifth scene:
Kiera- here you go you can phone 999
Kiera- I don't want to speak to them
sixth scene- intense music
sixth scene- scream
seventh scene- intense music
eighth scene- intense music
eighth scene:
Ellie- KIERA
eighth scene- intense music
ninth scene- intense music



For our film we didn't use many props. We didn't really need a lot of props for our opening 2 minutes because it was filmed outside and there wasn't a lot of things we could use.
One of the props we used is a syringe, the reason we used a syringe is because when I got killed at the end Kiera found a syringe on my chest, and the syringe was how I got killed at the end.

The other prop that we used was a carrier bag, the reason we used a carrier bag in the opening two minutes is because at the end of the opening two minutes I am lying on the ground with the bag over my head.

Thursday 9 February 2017


Kiera's costume (one of the main characters):
Kiera's costume is a matching star track-suit, a bomber jacket and a blue pair of Huarache's.
The reason she choose to wear this is because it comfortable to wear, and it is popular with what the youth is wearing.

Emma's costume (dead girl):
Emma's costume is a simple Christmas onesie.
The reason we choose to have her in a Christmas onesie is because it is a young girl around Christmas that had gone missing in the middle of the night.

My costume (the other main character):
My outfit is simple as well. My outfit was a black and green Nike jumper, black leggings, a green bomber jacket and a pair of Nike Roshe's (light blue, dark blue and pink).
The reason I went for this outfit is because Nike is a well known and popular brand, I also went for the bomber jacket because it is a really popular coat that a lot f youth tend to wear as it is what's fashionable.

Jai's costume (the scary man):
Jai's outfit was an easy one to do, because Jai wore all black. He was wearing a black jumper with a pair of black jeans, and a pair of black trainers.
The reason we choose this outfit is because he is someone creepy in the woods that want's to blend in with the dark surroundings so we thought that the best thing for him to wear was something dark.

shot list

Shot List

There are many different camera shots we could use in our opening 2 minutes. But the main camera shot we are going to use is a medium shot, this is because using an medium shot you have a better view on the body language that the character's are going to use.
This photo shows a medium shot of a man, in the photo you can tell the man is serious person you can tell this by his body language for example he has his arms crossed, stood up straight.

One of the other camera shots we are going to use is a long shot, we are going to use a long shot because using a long shot you are able to see the surroundings this is effective because the surrounding helps set the mood of the opening two minutes.
This photo shows a long shot of a woman standing in the middle of a woods. This is effective because not only can you see her body language you can see her surroundings. Her surroundings could be the reason of her body language, this helps set the scene and mood a bit more.

The last camera shot we use in our opening two minutes is a close up. The reason we used close ups in our opening two minutes is because it is effective to see the emotion that the character is showing through facial excretions.
This photo shows a close up of someone looking back over his shoulder. This is effective because you can see all of his emotion in his face. From this picture I am able to see that he is angry and disgusted in what he is looking back at.

Story Board

This is our story board and as you can see it shows the basics to every scene in the trailer. The story board also shows all of the sound that the audience will hear, for example what is said or if you can hear the crunching of the leafs as the two girls run through, the story board will include weather the sound is diegetic or non-diegetic this is important to show on the story board because it helps me and my group remember what sound has to be recorded and added and what is already going to be in the sound. The story board will also include what type of angle shots we will be using so we wont spend a long amount of time on the day deciding on the angle, for example weather we will use a long shot, high angle shot or a medium shot.

Monday 9 January 2017

Research and Planning Targets

Your planning needs evidencing fully - so upload everything you have for submission.  Schedules, interviews with actors, video diaries, storyboarding and scripting, soundtrack research, title research all need in depth consideration from you.