Tuesday 28 March 2017

story and how the opening sets it up

The story line to the film is that its a normal day and two friends (Ellie and Kiera) go for a walk in the woods and find someone lying dead covered with leaves by a pond, this is shown through the use of a high angle shot, this is effective because it shows that the two girls are vulnerable and scared.  This is shown through the angle of the camera that is used, the high angle shot also gives the audience more power over the two girls. As Ellie and Kiera turn around to call the police they see a scary figure in the bushes,this is shown in the use of a medium shot, this is effective because it shows the audience what he looks like.

Once the two girls had saw him they then began to run, this is shown in the use of a medium to long shot. Suddenly Kiera is running alone and Ellie is no where to be seen, we are shown this through the use of a medium to close up shots, this is effective because the angle the camera is it shows the audience where Kiera has run from. As Kiera slows down she hears Ellie scream her name, Kiera then starts to run back to find Ellie, we are shown this through the use of a long shot this is effective because its showing the audience where she is running, as Kiera runs into the light she finds Ellie lying there on the floor dead, she has a carrier bag over the top of her head and a syringe placed on her stomach at an angle, we are shown this through the use of a medium shot that slowly goes into a close up.

We pose a lot of questions to the audience in the opening to make them want to watch the film entirely.They are left asking themselves, why was the girl killed? Why was she placed next to the pond? Why was he watching the two girls? Why did the girl open her eyes? What did he use to kill Ellie? What is going to happen to Kiera as she saw? Why was Ellie and Kiera in the woods?

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