Friday 9 September 2016

My favourite trailer for a new film has to be Kidnap. The trailer for Kidnap is good as it made me really think about what's going to happen next. Also I like how they have put a question at the end of the trailer.
I like how they have put dramatic music over the top of a serious part of the trailer so you can tell by the music that the mum is scared and worried about what is going to happen to her son Frankie. The music really shows what genre the film is as it has dramatic and fast music. At the beginning of the trailer they use up beat, happy and a slow song at the beginning to show the characters feelings, as they are happy.

I also like that they have put a question at the end of the trailer. I also like how they have used a scene of the film to bring in the title, they used her swinging a pipe to dramatically make the screen black and bring the title in. The title was in large, bold and red writing to make the title stick out and so you remember it.
I like how they have put her speaking some of her lines over the top of a scene of her holding on to the car. They have also put her talking over the top of a scene, in this seen the mum is in a car chase, she is chasing the car that her son is in which makes it dramatic as you know that she will do anything to get her son back.
The genre of this film is action and thriller. The mix of the two genres make the film exciting as you don't know what is going to happen next.

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